There Will Come Soft Rains

Emily Warren
2 min readFeb 1, 2021


This week for Digital Studies 101, we were assigned to read two stories written by Ray Bradbury, The Veldt an There Will Come Soft Rains. When reading, “There Will Come Soft Rains”, the story was about a house in California that catches on fire due to an atomic bomb. Though out the story, Bradbury writes about the activities though out the house. He plays with the idea of the power of technology and how man will one day will destroy themselves with it. It is a scary thing to think that this was written in the 1950s and this house is set in the year 2026. That is only 5 years away. We are kind of at the point of technology that Bradbury writes about. We have machines and computers already doing tasks for us. Alexa and Google Homes can do tasks like turn off lights, look up anything on the internet to even playing whatever music you want for you. Elon Musk even said himself that he thinks that AI will take over humans in less than 5 years ( This is so freaky to think about that Bradbury wrote this story to be in the year 2026 and Elon Musk is making this statement. Maybe Bradbury was onto something.

