Terms of Service

Emily Warren
3 min readMar 13, 2021


Yeah I have never read the Terms of Service for anything.

But I think that might change now.

I was watching the video that was assigned for this week about the YouTuber who had people sign up for a contest about winning a free iPad and had a crazy Terms of Service. She was having people signing without reading it. Littler did those participates know was they would have to give her the shirt off their back, would have to foster a dog or even foster a CHILD.

It was entertaining watching people’s reactions to what they had just signed. They backed away and many said “Oh no no no that is not what I meant to sign”.

But it is what you signed. And that is now an official and legal agreement that you now have to deal with. It is honestly no ones fault but yours at that point.

I was also taking a look at the website, https://tosdr.org/ and this website kind of does the reading for you. They feature different popular websites and social media platforms and summarizes the most alarming/important points of each terms of service. I found that super helpful because you can take your mouse and scroll over a point that you want to read more about and the website will take you right to the part of the terms of service that you wanted to read more about.

I actually think that all websites or social media platforms so do something similar.

When you are making an account for something and you get to the terms of service page, it should have a little cheat sheet of the important points that you may want to know. Because when you have to scroll through the millions of pages of the terms of service, it is so unappealing and just plain boring. I think I may have a little more respect, in a way, for a platform of some sort, to let you know exactly what they are doing and tell you up front in a better, consumer friendly manner.

I do 100% understand though why companies, platforms and web sites do not follow through with that cheat sheet feature. It is because they do not want use knowing that they can give our personal information to a third party or delete our account for no reason or even tracking you on other websites.

Of course that is creepy and would turn a lot of people away if they knew they were signing to that.

I guess, if i were a business or in charge of a platform, I would most defiantly want to have a long terms of service to “trick” people. But as a consumer, I would want the opposite.

Well. We can’t have it both ways. :/

